In the heart of the collection lies the timeless story of the Italian Air Force, a compelling tale of courage, innovation, and dedication. Over a hundred years intertwine with the threads of fabrics, intricate embroideries, and original patches to pay tribute to the deeds of brave men and women who have soared the skies in the name of freedom.
The Frecce Tricolori, as a splendid wing of the Italian Air Force, add a touch of acrobatic elegance to the narrative. National colors paint the designs, capturing the energy and precision that define their extraordinary performances.
Among aviator leather jackets, pants inspired by anti-gravity suits of pilots, and meticulously styled sweatshirts and polo shirts, each piece is a tribute to the art of flight, with a modern sensibility reflecting the evolution of contemporary fashion.
Wearing our garments is not just a style choice; it is a genuine act of connection with a living history. We are more than just a clothing brand; we are custodians of a heritage, storytellers of tales written in the air. We embrace the past, live in the present, and draw inspiration from the future.